• AUTHOR: // CATEGORY: Site News


    Fiddling with this new site design.

    Wondering if I should have some boobs and naked stuff on here or not.

    Leaning towards yes, but wondering how much and in what context(s) and at what ratio (to not-naked) and with how much warning.


    While I’d like to have more work-safe websites (and this seems like one perfect opportunity to keep things visually “clean”), I can’t represent myself in a way I can be proud if I ignore my ongoing work in adult and the body of  images and stories of myself represented in them. Plus I don’t see myself writing “clean”, so what would be the point?

    Oh yeah. So I’ll qualify for mainstream / non-adult traffic more easily.


2 Responses to Fiddling

  • Wifey wrote on May 9, 2013 at 5:40 // Reply

    Hehehehe, just kidding. I love the look of this though and am excited to see how it develops!

  • Trixie Fontaine wrote on May 9, 2013 at 5:44 // Reply

    YAY, honeZ!!

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